Friday, October 30, 2009

Chubby Cheeks

Today was an amazing day! We are 38 weeks and 1 day, we went in for what we assumed would be a "run of the mill" sonogram and not expecting to see much as he is getting crowded and big. However, we had the regular sonogram and to our surprise the sonographer turned on the 4D sonogram machine and we got an amazing shot of our little boy's chubby cheeks and face. Of course we're biased but we're pretty sure that he's super cute already.

Just so everyone's up-to-date, the measurements that the sonographer took said that Jackson was weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces TODAY. His head is measuring 40 weeks and the rest of him is right on track. I am dilated 1 centimeter and 50 % effaced. If things continue to progress at our next appointment (next Thursday) we will most likely set an induction date. Our choice now is the 12th of November. Of course as we all know babies have minds of their own so we'll see what Jackson wants to do! No matter what we are most likely right at 2 weeks away from this new chapter in our lives beginning. We THINK that we're as ready as we're going to be.

Here is the the best picture from today,
The picture to the right is looking straight on at his face (forehead, eyes, nose, mouth) and then his arm is coming across the bottom of his chin.

We will keep you posted on our possible delivery date as we get closer and have more information to share.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Carrie and Aaron! This is such a fun and exciting time for your family... your lives are changing forever in such a wonderful way! My Beckham will be 8 months old on Nov. 12th! So fun that so many of us are having little ones so close together, it will be fun to watch them grow! Like you said, babies have a mind of thier own... at 37 weeks I went for a regular weekly appointment, Cyrus picked me up at my school (I left my car there thinking I would be back in a few hours for our open house at school) - - needless to say, that didn't happen! I didn't go home from that appointment, My bp was really high and within a few hours I ended up having a c-section... not at all in our plan, but so thankful for our pro-active doctor group (we go to dr. howell) that saved our baby boy! So...have those bags packed & the car seat never know when Jackson will want to come and meet his mommy and daddy! good luck & keep us posted!
